Saturday, July 27, 2013

We saw nothing new and it was awesome - Crow's Nest Preserve

I literally pray "God please give me a new bird sighting" when I go out. It feels childish and bratty but I do it anyway. Usually my prayers are answered with something cool. A new species, a baby fox, a beaver working.  The other day I was pumped. I was hitting a new place called Crow's Nest Preserve with some friends. These guys are awesome birders and knowledgeable about nature. I'm certain to see all kinds of stuff.

We met at around 5 and immediately logged some Indigo Buntings, Blue-winged warbler and Yellow Throated Vireos. Very cool to see with the yellows and blues but all fairly common birds. I was hoping to see a Hooded Warbler. As we walked along and time went on I started to think my hunt for the Hooded was not going to be successful. But a funny thing happened. It was still fun!

We prowled the woods and fields and meadows and kept seeing birds, but we also had a chance to shoot the shit about life...mostly around nature, but we fell into a friendly banter that men can have. No girls, we didn't talk about our feelings, just...stuff.

This Crow's Nest is a Chester County gem. We found a lot of diverse plant life and it's the first time I've ever seen Cardinal flower blooming in the wild.  Looks like something a hummingbird would dig on.

Cardinal Flower

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
